Fractional Order Sliding Mode PID Controller/Observer for Continuous Nonlinear Switched Systems with PSO Parameter Tuning
In this article a fractional order sliding mode PID controller and observer for the stabilization of continuous nonlinear switched systems is proposed. The design of the controller and observer is done following the separation principle, this means that the observer and controller are designed in a separate fashion, so a hybrid controller is implemented by designing the sliding mode controller part using an integral sliding mode surface along with a PIλDμ controller part which is the fractional order PID controller that is implemented to stabilizes the system. For the observer part, an
Fractional Order Two Degree of Freedom PID Controller for a Robotic Manipulator with a Fuzzy Type-2 Compensator
In this paper a novel strategy for the position control and trajectory tracking of robotic manipulators is proposed. This strategy consists of an independent two degree of freedom PID controller for a two links robotic arm. Due to the capability of two degree of freedom PID controllers to deal with disturbances, each link is controlled independently considering that the disturbance does not affect the system performance due to the robustness of the closed loop system. Then, a fuzzy type-2 centralized compensator is implemented to drive the orientation variables with the desired trajectory in
Optimizing budget allocation for condition assessment of water and sewer infrastructures
Much research has focused on the development of optimal strategies for rehabilitation and replacement of water and sewer infrastructures. Condition assessment is an integral component in any asset management program for assessing the asset physical condition. Determining the condition of buried infrastructure tends to be cumbersome, costly and error-prone. As such, decision makers must balance the value of obtained information through condition assessments with the cost of obtaining this information. Such decisions must balance between conflicting needs and need to consider the sought level of
Neural Network Based Switching State Selection for Direct Power Control of Three Phase PWM-Rectifier
This article proposes an intelligent approach to the Direct Power Control technique of the PWM rectifier, this control technique improves the performance of PWM converter, called Direct Power Control Based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN), applied for the selection of the optimal control vector. DPC-ANN ensures smooth control of active and reactive power in all Sectors and reduces current ripple. Finally, the developed DPC was tested by simulation, the simulation results proved the excellent performance of the proposed DPC scheme. © 2018 IEEE.
3PCNNB-Net: Three Parallel CNN Branches for Breast Cancer Classification Through Histopathological Images
Purpose: Diagnosis of breast tumors using histopathological imaging is considered a difficult task. Oncologists may have different opinions on how to use this imaging technique to diagnose tumors. This technique requires classification experience owing to the contrasting appearance caused by tissue preparation, staining processes, and disease heterogeneity. Cancerous breast tissues are classified into malignant and benign tumors according to cell diversity and density. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) helps oncologists improve breast tumor diagnosis efficiently and accurately while saving time
Automatic mri breast tumor detection using discrete wavelet transform and support vector machines
The human right is to live a healthy life free of serious diseases. Cancer is the most serious disease facing humans and possibly leading to death. So, a definitive solution must be done to these diseases, to eliminate them and also to protect humans from them. Breast cancer is considered being one of the dangerous types of cancers that face women in particular. Early examination should be done periodically and the diagnosis must be more sensitive and effective to preserve the women lives. There are various types of breast cancer images but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become one of
Experimental verification of a hybrid control scheme with chaotic whale optimization algorithm for nonlinear gantry crane: A comparative study
This paper proposes an experimental verification of a hybrid partial feedback linearization (PFL) and deadbeat (DB) control scheme as in Hamdy et al. (2018) with chaotic whale optimization algorithm (CWOA) for a nonlinear gantry crane (GC) system. The PFL linearizes the nonlinear model to end up with a linear closed-loop system. The DB controller is utilized for the desirable accelerated response without any oscillation or undesirable effects on the internal dynamics stability. The CWOA is used to tune the controller parameters. A sliding-mode observer (SMO) is utilized to estimate the
Experimental Modeling of Hexapod Robot Using Artificial Intelligence
Hexapod Robots gave us the opportunity to study walking robots without facing problems such as stability and expensive custom made hardware. It has a great deal of flexibility in moving over different terrains even if some legs become malfunctioned or facing some difficulties in movement. In this study the kinematic analysis of CH3-R 18DOF Hexapod Robot is discussed where each leg contains three revolute joints in order to mimic the structure of a spider. To develop the overall kinematic model of CH3-R robot, direct and inverse kinematic analyses for each leg have been considered where the
Modelling of Continuum Robotic Arm Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Continuum robotic arm becomes the new area of scientific research nowadays. Its technology has grown and touched several vital applications included industry and agriculture thanks to many advantages made it a better choice than the conventional serial robotic manipulator. This paper represents a new designed model of continuum arm robot, which relates the motor shaft angle as the input parameter and transfers the motor torque to combined system of compression springs and results in six outputs: x,y and z 3D coordinates for the center point of the end effector and \theta,~\psi and \gamma to
Experimental Lane Keeping Assist for an Autonomous Vehicle Based on Optimal PID Controller
Detection of the lane boundary is the primary task in order to control the trajectory of an autonomous car. In this paper, three methodologies for lane detection are discussed with experimental illustration: Blob analysis, Hough transformation and Birds eye view. The next task after receiving the boundary points is to apply a control law in order to trigger the steering and velocity control to the motors efficiently. In the following, a comparative analysis is made between different tuning criteria to tune PID controller for Lane Keeping Assist (LKA). In order to receive the information of the
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