
Artificial intelligence for retail industry in Egypt: Challenges and opportunities

In the era of digital transformation, a mass disruption in the global industries have been detected. Big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are just examples of technologies that are holding such digital disruptive power. On the other hand, retailing is a high-intensity competition and disruptive industry driving the global economy and the second largest globally in employment after the agriculture. AI has large potential to contribute to global economic activity and the biggest sector gains would be in retail. AI is the engine that is poised to drive the

Artificial Intelligence
Circuit Theory and Applications
Software and Communications
Agriculture and Crops
Mechanical Design
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Supporting bioinformatics applications with hybrid multi-cloud services

Cloud computing provides a promising solution to the big data problem associated with next generation sequencing applications. The increasing number of cloud service providers, who compete in terms of performance and price, is a clear indication of a growing market with high demand. However, current cloud computing based applications in bioinformatics do not profit from this progress, because they are still limited to just one cloud service provider. In this paper, we present different use case scenarios using hybrid services and resources from multiple cloud providers for bioinformatics

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications
Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness

Bivariate Double Density Discrete Wavelet for Enhanced Image Denoising

Image denoising is of paramount importance in image processing. In this paper, we propose a new design technique for the design of Double density Discrete Wavelet Transform (DD DWT) AND DD CWT filter bank structure. These filter banks satisfy the perfect reconstruction as well as alias free properties of the DWT. Next, we utilized this filter bank structure in image denoising. Our denoising scheme is based on utilizing the interscale correlation/interscale dependence between wavelet coefficients of a DD DWT of the noisy image. This is known as the Bivariate Shrinkage scheme. More precisely, we

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications

Computing the burrows-wheeler transform of a string and its reverse

The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we provide new theoretical insights into the relationship between a string and its reverse: If the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) of a string has been computed by sorting its suffixes, then the BWT and the longest common prefix array of the reverse string can be derived from it without suffix sorting. Furthermore, we show that the longest common prefix arrays of a string and its reverse are permutations of each other. Second, we provide a parallel algorithm that, given the BWT of a string, computes the BWT of its reverse much faster than all

Artificial Intelligence
Software and Communications

An automatic gene ontology software tool for bicluster and cluster comparisons

We propose an Automatic Gene Ontology (AGO) software as a flexible, open-source Matlab software tool that allows the user to easily compare the results of the bicluster and cluster methods. This software provides several methods to differentiate and compare the results of candidate algorithms. The results reveal that bicluster/cluster algorithms could be considered as integrated modules to recover the interesting patterns in the microarray datasets. The further application of AGO could to solve the dimensionality reduction of the gene regulatory networks. Availability: AGO and help file is

Artificial Intelligence

Fast fractal modeling of mammograms for microcalcifications detection

Clusters of microcalcifications in mammograms are an important early sign of breast cancer in women. Comparing with microcalcifications, the breast background tissues have high local self-similarity, which is the basic property of fractal objects. A fast fractal modeling method of mammograms for detecting the presence of microcalcifications is proposed in this paper. The conventional fractal modeling method consumes too much computation time. In the proposed method, the image is divided into shade (homogeneous) and non-shade blocks based on the dynamic range and only the non-shade blocks are

Artificial Intelligence

BicATPlus: An automatic comparative tool for Bi/Clustering of gene expression data obtained using microarrays

In the last few years the gene expression microarray technology has become a central tool in the field of functional genomics in which the expression levels of thousands of genes in a biological sample are determined in a single experiment. Several clustering and biclustering methods have been introduced to analyze the gene expression data by identifying the similar patterns and grouping genes into subsets that share biological significance. However, it is not clear how the different methods compare with each other with respect to the biological relevance of the biclusters and clusters as well

Artificial Intelligence

A Real-Time Social Network- Based Traffic Monitoring Vehicle Tracking System

Social networking has become an essential part of our daily lives. tTe integration of social networking communication model and Internet of Things (IoT) provides the users with a greater advantage than the benefit of using each one alone. This paper presents a real-time traffic monitoring and vehicle tracking for the public or private transportation sectors. The proposed system uses a social network service to provide traffic monitoring for individual users. A fully functional prototype model is developed and presented to demonstrate the system operation and to evaluate its performance. © 2018

Artificial Intelligence

First Observation of the Directed Flow of D0 and D0 ̄ in Au+Au Collisions at sNN =200 GeV

We report the first measurement of rapidity-odd directed flow (v1) for D0 and D0̄ mesons at midrapidity (|y|

Artificial Intelligence

Design and implementation of robust firefighting/intruder detection system using fuzzy logic decision control (FIDFUZ)

This research focuses on using quantifiable methods for using the IoT as a main support to firefighting/intruder detection. From our research, we have found numerous researches associated to supplying remote services by means of portable sensors and communication technologies. We represent in our research a unique Smart Firefighting/lntruder Detection System with the support of Fuzzy Logic Decision Control (FIDFUZ). The projected system has an innovative value which is the Fuzzy Logic Decision Support System application that deals with the predicted inaccuracy and the doubt in the sensor's

Artificial Intelligence