Emotional tone detection in Arabic tweets
Emotion detection in Arabic text is an emerging research area, but the efforts in this new field have been hindered by the very limited availability of Arabic datasets annotated with emotions. In this paper, we review work that has been carried out in the area of emotion analysis in Arabic text. We then present an Arabic tweet dataset that we have built to serve this task. The efforts and methodologies followed to collect, clean, and annotate our dataset are described and preliminary experiments carried out on this dataset for emotion detection are presented. The results of these experiments
Using deep neural networks for extracting sentiment targets in arabic tweets
In this paper, we investigate the problem of recognizing entities which are targeted by text sentiment in Arabic tweets. To do so, we train a bidirectional LSTM deep neural network with conditional random fields as a classification layer on top of the network to discover the features of this specific set of entities and extract them from Arabic tweets. We’ve evaluated the network performance against a baseline method which makes use of a regular named entity recognizer and a sentiment analyzer. The deep neural network has shown a noticeable advantage in extracting sentiment target entities
MoArLex: An Arabic Sentiment Lexicon Built Through Automatic Lexicon Expansion
Research addressing Sentiment Analysis has witnessed great attention over the last decade especially after the huge increase in social media networks usage. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter generate an incredible amount of data on a daily basis, containing posts that discuss all kinds of different topics ranging from sports and products to politics and current events. Since data generated within these mediums is created by users from all over the world, it is multilingual in nature. Arabic is one of the important languages recently targeted by many sentiment analysis efforts. However
Ultrafast localization of the optic disc using dimensionality reduction of the search space
Optic Disc (OD) localization is an important pre-processing step that significantly simplifies subsequent segmentation of the OD and other retinal structures. Current OD localization techniques suffer from impractically-high computation times (few minutes/image). In this work, we present an ultrafast technique that requiresless than a second to localize the OD. The technique is based on reducing the dimensionality of the search space by projecting the 2D image feature space onto two orthogonal (x- and y-) axes. This results in two 1D signals that can be used to determine the x- and y-
EGEPT: Monitoring middle east genomic data
EGEPT (Middle East GenBank Post) is a database that monitors submissions to the GenBank nucleotide database from Middle East countries. The data in EGEPT is browsable by country, institute, author, organism, and related publications. Statistics about the dataset is provided and charts that compare the Middle East countries to each other are automatically generated. EGEPT revealed that Qatar, Egypt, Oman, Tunisia, and Morocco are leading in terms of sequence submissions and related publications. However, the total submissions of all Arab countries is greatly lagging behind other Middle East
Active shape model with inter-profile modeling paradigm for cardiac right ventricle segmentation
In this work, a novel active shape model (ASM) paradigm is proposed to segment the right ventricle (RV) in cardiac magnetic resonance image sequences. The proposed paradigm includes modifications to two fundamental steps in the ASM algorithm. The first modification includes employing the 2D-Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to capture the inter-profile relations among shape’s neighboring landmarks and then model the inter-profile variations between the training set. The second modification is based on using a multi-stage searching algorithm to find the best profile match based on the best
A hybrid method for the exact planted (l, d) motif: Finding problem and its parallelization
Background: Given a set of DNA sequences s1,..., st, the (l, d) motif problem is to find an l-length motif sequence M, not necessary existing in any of the input sequences, such that for each sequence si, 1 ≤ i ≤ t, there is at least one subsequence differing with at most d mismatches from M. Many exact algorithms have been developed to solve the motif finding problem in the last three decades. However, the problem is still challenging and its solution is limited to small values of l and d. Results: In this paper we present a new efficient method to improve the performance of the exact
Using the sadakane compressed suffix tree to solve the all-pairs suffix-prefix problem
The all-pairs suffix-prefix matching problem is a basic problem in string processing. It has an application in the de novo genome assembly task, which is one of the major bioinformatics problems. Due to the large size of the input data, it is crucial to use fast and space efficient solutions. In this paper, we present a space-economical solution to this problem using the generalized Sadakane compressed suffix tree. Furthermore, we present a parallel algorithm to provide more speed for shared memory computers. Our sequential and parallel algorithms are optimized by exploiting features of the
Accurate estimation of the myocardium global function from reduced magnetic resonance image acquisitions
Evaluating the heart global function from magnetic resonance images is based on estimating a number of functional parameters such as the left ventricular (LV) volume, LV mass, ejection fraction, and stroke volume. Estimating these parameters requires accurate calculation of the volumes enclosed by the inner and outer surfaces of the LV chamber at the max contraction and relaxation states of the heart. Currently, this is achieved through acquisition and segmentation of a large number of short-axis (SAX) views of the LV, which is time-consuming and expensive. Reducing the number of acquisitions
English-Arabic statistical machine translation: State of the art
This paper presents state of the art of the statistical methods that enhance English to Arabic (En-Ar) Machine Translation (MT). First, the paper introduces a brief history of the machine translation by clarifying the obstacles it faced; as exploring the history shows that research can develop new ideas. Second, the paper discusses the Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) method as an effective state of the art in the MT field. Moreover, it presents the SMT pipeline in brief and explores the En-Ar MT enhancements that have been applied by processing both sides of the parallel corpus before
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