Quantum video encryption based on qubit-planes controlled-XOR operations and improved logistic map
This paper proposes an efficient and secure quantum video encryption algorithm for quantum videos based on qubit-planes controlled-XOR operations and improved logistic map in multi-layer encryption steps. Three simple cryptosystem steps are presented in the proposed approach to accomplish the whole encryption process: inter-frame permutation, intra-frame pixel position geometric transformation, and high 4-intra-frame-qubit-planes scrambling. Firstly, the inter-frame positions of quantum video are permutated via inter-frame permutation that is controlled by the keys which are generated by improved logistic map. Secondly, intra-frame pixel positions are encrypted by intra-frame pixel position geometric transformation and improved logistic map. Finally, the high 4-intra-frame-qubit-planes are scrambled via quantum controlled-XOR operations and improved logistic map. Experiments conducted demonstrate that the proposed quantum video encryption approach has high efficiency with simple calculation, low complexity and strongly filtrates in security applications like video on demand, video conference. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.