Generic Library Mapping Approach for Trans-Compilation
Cross-platform mobile development is a widely used framework due to its nature of building an app using one development life cycle and deploying it to multiple platforms like Android and iOS. Many cross-platform solutions were recently developed to convert from one platform to another using Trans-compilation approach as Trans-Compiler Android to IOS Conversion (TCAIOSC) and Trans-Compiler Based Mobile Applications code converter. The limitations of these solutions is that they are unable to convert a library function that was not previously included by the developer. In this paper, a generic library mapping approach is proposed, which aims to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the recent systems. To validate the generic library mapping approach, a tool that maps a library in swift to a corresponding library injava is developed. The experimental results shows a substantial improvement to the accuracy of the Trans-Compiler Based Mobile Applications code converter from 76% to 91%. © 2021 IEEE.