
An improved generic Johnson-Cook model for the flow prediction of different categories of alloys at elevated temperatures and dynamic loading conditions
This paper presents a generic model for material flow prediction based on the well-known Johnson-Cook model. The model is developed to precisely predict the flow behavior of various categories of alloys. The coupled effects between strain, strain rate, and temperature were taken into consideration. The proposed model is developed and assessed using the hot deformation data of four different categories of alloys; with four different base elements. Besides, the data of two different alloys under dynamic loading are used for assessment. The proposed modification is compared to the original

A 3D-convolutional neural network framework with ensemble learning techniques for multi-modal emotion recognition
Nowadays, human emotion recognition is a mandatory task for many human machine interaction fields. This paper proposes a novel multi-modal human emotion recognition framework. The proposed scheme utilizes first the 3D-Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN) deep learning architecture for extracting the spatio-temporal features from the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, and the video data of human faces. Then, a combination of data augmentation, ensemble learning techniques is proposed to get the final fusion predictions. The fusion of the multi-modalities in the proposed scheme is carried out

An energy-utilization metric for heat transfer devices
A new metric for measuring the performance of heat transfer devices, which require the consumption of mechanical power to function, is proposed. The proposed Energy-Utilization Metric, EUM, is derived to quantify the achieved heat transfer rate per unit consumed mechanical power. By virtue of its definition, using the EUM as a preference metric between different heat transfer devices guarantees the selection of the design with the best energy-utilization characteristics or in other words the device which meets the required heat load with the minimum amount of consumed pumping power. The

Comparative Study for Different URANS Models for Capturing Flow Separation Inside a Plane Diffuser
A comparative numerical study is performed among different URANS turbulence models investigating the ability of the models to capture the deformation of the boundary layer near the separation zone. The results are validated against previously published numerical works (URANS, LES, DNS) and experimental works. The comparison included grid resolution, the pressure distribution, and the velocity profiles at the inclined wall, then the streamlines plot of each model is used to properly estimate the separation and reattachment points. © 2021 IEEE.

The Effect of Different Design and Operational Parameters on the Performance of Can-Type Combustors
Numerical simulation of the non-premixed combustion of methane air mixture in a gas turbine can- type swirl combustor is conducted. The study objective is to examine the effect of different design and operational parameters on the combustor performance and its emissions. The investigated parameters are the primary air flow rate, the swirl ratio between the secondary and the primary air and the fuel to the primary air swirl ratio. Several indicators are used to evaluate the combustion performance and emissions which include average exit temperature of the chamber, pattern factor, NOx and CO
Comparative Study of Nusselt Number Correlations for Hitec Molten Salt
Molten salt has been realized as a potential candidate as a clean non-pollutant heat transfer fluid for concentrated solar power plants because of its high heat capacity and broad ranges of operational temperatures. In this study, the Nusselt number of the commercially known Hitec molten salt is numerically assessed, using k-ϵ model turbulence model with non-equilibrium wall functions, for the ranges of 104-105 Reynolds number and 104-105 W/m2 uniform surface heat flux. Moreover, the present work is compared against previously published work with success. The proposed numerical model provides
Efficient Finite Element Modeling of Complex HVAC Applications
A new Finite element model for HVAC applications is introduced. The model incorporates flow turbulence, buoyancy effects and unsteadiness. Also, the model accommodates complicated boundaries due to complex geometries and perforated tiles. Experimental validation is provided and extensive results for flow and temperature contours are presented. Temporal and spatial resolution prove that the model can capture important HVAC features as thermal comfort, buoyancy induced flow, complex boundaries. © 2020 IEEE.

Stabilized variational formulation of an oldroyd-B fluid flow equations on a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) architecture
The governing equations of the flow of an oldroyd-B fluid are discretized using the finite element method. To overcome the convective nature of the momentum equation, the Galerkin/Least-Squares Finite Element Method (GLS/FEM) is used while the Discrete Elastic–Viscous Stress-Splitting (DEVSS) method is used to overcome the instability due to the absence of diffusion in the constitutive equations. The discretized equations are implemented on a hybrid system between the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) architecture using Compute-Unified-Device-Architecture (CUDA) and a multi-core CPU. The
Prediction of the Hitec Molten Salt Convective Heat Transfer Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks
Hitec molten salt is a ternary eutectic mixture salt that is used as an energy storage medium in concentrated solar power plants to improve the system performance and reduce the operational cost. Thus, the heat transfer performance represented in Nusselt number has been investigated numerically under different inlet temperature and velocity conditions with constant uniform side heat flux. Also, friction factor and mass flow rate are studied numerically. CFD input/output data with 40 studied cases are used as a training dataset of a 2-layer Neural Network for thermo-hydro fields’ accelerated
Prediction of Internal Flow's Characteristics around Two Cylinders in Tandem using optimal T-S fuzzy
Laminar unsteady incompressible flow past two-cylinders in tandem is investigated numerically. The vortex shedding over the cylinders' arrangement is studied at various Reynolds numbers and blockage ratios while changing the distance between the two cylinders. The output from the numerical simulations is used to feed different regression methodologies to find the optimal approach for the proposed system modeling and identification. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (LM) training algorithm is used, as well as Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model are used and
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