Writing Skills
The goals of the course include Locating materials for a research topic, using library and internet resources, summarizing articles and books, using quotation and source citation for professional papers, using inductive and deductive reasoning, developing the skills of scientific argumentation, persuasion, evaluation,and criticism needed for a research paper.
Communication & Presentation Skills
This course helps students learn and practice the skills of interpersonal and professional communication. Psychological, social, cultural, and linguistic aspects of communication are considered. Attention is given to human perceptions, interpersonal dynamics, patterns of inference, the arts of listening and convincing, as well as to the value of verbal and visual symbols.The course also helps
Selected Topics in Humanities & Arts
Introduction to Logic, Critical Thinking
The course is a study of the processes by which the intellect conceptualizes, applies, analyzes, synthesizes, and evaluates the information it gathers from observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, and communication. The course also examines the elements of thought implicitin reasoning, such as assumptions, concepts, conclusions, implications, consequences, and frame of reference. Problems