
Immunology & Virology

Theoretical Part Immunity: Organs, Cells, Molecules –Innate Immunity vs Adaptive Immunity –Vaccine Technology –Immunology of Neonates –Synthetic Immunology –immunodiagnostic methods including immunoblotting techniques, viral replication -disease initiation -viruses, molecular mechanisms, and viral genetics. Practical partPractical experience of the production of monoclonal antibodies, production and characterization of antibodies and enzyme-labelled antibodies, blood immunoproteins and their fixation, immunofluorescence techniques, Introduction to viral culture, Viral genomes are contained in metastable particles, Genomes encode gene products that promote an infectious cycle (mechanisms for genomes to enter cells, replicate, and exit in particles). Infection patterns range from benign to lethal; infections can overcome or co-exist with host defences.

Course ID
MICR 303
Credit Hours

Innate Immunity vs Adaptive Immunity, Vaccine Technology, Immunology of Neonates, immunodiagnostic methods, immunoblotting techniques, viral replication disease initiation, production of monoclonal antibodies production and characterization of antibodies enzyme-labelled antibodies, blood immunoproteins, viral culture, viral genomes and Genomes encode gene.