Theoretical Part: Living organisms -cell compartments, organelles and functions -cellular processes, transport, membranes, signalling, cytoskeleton, cell motility -organization of chromosomes and genes, meiosis, mitosis and cell cycle -gene expressions, gene regulation -developmental biology, embryogenesis -introduction to Darwinian evolution and phylogenic trees.Practical Part: Microscopy parts and handling techniques –animal vs plant cell –staining –animal, plant organelles –mitosis and cell cycle –meiosis and gametogenesis –samples and evolution (eubacteria, archaebacterial, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia).

Dr. Maha Mohamed Salah Eldin
Living organisms, cell compartments, organelles and functions, cell motility - organization of chromosomes and genes meiosis, mitosis and cell cycle, Darwinian evolution and phylogenic trees.